Trust is the ultimate breakthrough; it helps you to know the truth as your own. And truth liberates only when it is yours, somebody else''s truth cannot liberate anybody. It creates bondage and nothing else. OSHO, guida spirituale Be intelligent … this is your life. Don''t be guided by stupid people, by public opinion or collective unconscious. The planet now is full of fear and negativity. It is negative because instead of seeing the beauty of life, we only see the lack of money or the lack of power or sex. This planet had never seen more material, more technology, then now. And everything seems to be run by business i.e. greed. People want more and more, desire seems to be endless. Nobody seems to be content anymore with what they have. And along with it comes the fear. Fear of old age, of disease, of not having enough…. If you trust life, you simply enjoy what you have even what you don''t have. You enjoy he sun and the rain, the heat and the cold, the palace and the tent, the young and the old…. You live now and really… far, so good…. I remember Osho saying " be in the marketplace, not of it'''' and i am really grateful for understanding and living it. So, don''t move with the collective unconscious, choose the collective conscious. Your Buddhanature is never in a crisis. And even if the collective unconscious seems to be a massive attack, it also is nothing but dust. Just the mind full of wars, destruction and fear of survival. Live trusting, opening your eyes to what is real, follow your intelligence, your intuition… the Tao of it all So, let''s meet again and see where the Tao takes us. Thanks again, everybody for staying friends in freedom for such a long time. My time on the planet is getting shorter. But simply enjoying has such an intensity and passion now so it will be just wonderful to meet again, Here or there for a cup of tea. LOVE Zahira ******** Dear friends, our beloved Zahira once again comes to Ukraine. This time the destination is the wonderful sunny Crimea. The camp will take place in a charming landscaped area, surrounded by lush greenery and mountain range, with the Black Sea coast just 10 km from it. We will take trips to the seaside, and go hiking in the mountains; will enjoy all the facilities — comfy tents, and several cozy huts, a buddha-hall, an open site for whirling in the meadow, clear fresh well water, a sauna, and a spacious gazebo to chill out in. As for the meals, they are going to be delicious and healthy, for the season of fresh fruit and vegetables begins! Contact information: +380974114310, Habib |